What Are Electric Fireplace Logs?

By Anthony, 24 Apr 2022

Today, fireplace options for homes are not limited to just wood-burning hearths. From my experience, there are other home-warming ideas that are convenient and less expensive. Electric fireplace logs are some of the emerging types of fireplaces that are receiving widespread recognition.

But what are they? Electric fireplace logs are a special type of material that produce glowing embers to mimic a real wood-burning fire in order to provide warmth. The glowing flames display yellow and orange hues that you see in the real fire.

The fireplace doesn’t involve burning wood. So, there’s no need to chop firewood to start it and suffer the hassle of having to deal with the ash and other wood by-products. In this article, we explore in detail what electric fireplace logs are. Read on.

What Are Electric Fireplace Logs?

There are various forms of electric fireplaces, and electric fireplace logs are some of the most common ones. This fireplace produces lifelike flames and generates heat, which is the primary function of a fireplace.

Electric logs are equipped with metal coils to produce glow and heat. Once you plug the unit into a wall socket and switch it on, the logs light up.

These units come in different styles. The important thing is to choose the one that fits your home design. But the goal is to have a fine-looking contemporary set that doesn’t change the mood of the room.

Mostly, people have settled on the traditional-style logs for a regular fire. Just try as much as possible to do what’s best for your environment.

Electric fireplace logs aren’t the hardest thing to install. It’s a simple plug-in job, and they light up.

They are inexpensive to buy and operate. Also, transporting them is quite effortless because of their lightweight and portable nature.

You don’t have the burdensome work of cleaning a hearth or chimney. Even better, since there’s no wood chopping, that extra cost is eliminated – hence cost-effective.

How Do Electric Fireplace Logs Work?

It’s not uncommon for people to want to know how electric fireplace logs work, especially when they have the interest to start using them for warmth in their homes. This was one of the main questions I asked myself when I learned about electric fireplace logs.

Generally, these units are installed easily by plugging them into a wall socket. Then light them up by simply pressing the ‘on’ button. You don’t have to worry about the kind of plugs they should go in –  the regular household types would do.

The logs come with a light bulb which produces a glowing flame in yellow and orange hues. At the same time, it produces heat. This heat primarily emanates from an internal metal coil that heats up when the fireplace is plugged into a wall socket.

A system fan blows it out into your space as the heat releases. Therefore, you can feel the warmth rising up gradually to make a comfortable setting.

When the logs light up, it can fool someone into thinking it’s a real fire. But that’s not the thing – it’s just an imitation of what a real fire looks like and comes about as refracted light in a three-dimensional pattern.

Are Electric Fireplace Logs Worth It?

There’s a possibility that leaving your traditional hearth fireplace isn’t as easy as you think. You have to know whether the electric fireplace logs options are something worth considering or not.

As a whole, electric fireplace logs are some of the greatest home-warming options you can have. They give you the warmth without the hard job of chopping wood and cleaning ash piles.

Moreover, these units create quite the sight thanks to the glowing embers that offer inviting color patterns reminiscent of a real fire. It never gets simpler when installing this fireplace unit; you just need to plug the electrical cord into a wall socket.

The feel of a traditional fire is a great one, but the hearth has to be maintained regularly to enjoy daily. The cost of maintenance of a traditional hearth is quite high.

Yet, an electric fireplace may use as little electricity as your space heater takes up. With that being said, these units are cost-effective and just the perfect thing you want if you don’t want to blow up costs.

What’s the Difference between Electric Fireplace Logs vs. Electric Inserts?

When you’re assessing the type of electric fireplace to have, two options normally come on board: electric logs and electric inserts.

Electric logs and inserts are both low-cost fireplace alternatives. And, they give you the perfect warmth for a comfortable stay in the room. You have to press the button, and there you go.

But what’s the difference between the two fireplace types? A log is usually painted artificial log with its support on a metal grate. If you have an existing wood-burning hearth, just place this set inside and experience the perfect outlook of an original fireplace in your space.

As for the electric inserts, you have a steel box that easily fits into a recess in the wall of your home. This could be a preexisting fireplace. Just slide it in.

The insert contains an integrated heater that produces heat. It also offers an LED flame effect that casts onto a flame screen on the insert.

Electric inserts provide an aesthetic feel in the house and are the most common option for electric fireplaces you can have.

Final Thoughts

Electric fireplace logs are a type of fireplace that modern homes are now embracing in this current age. They produce “flames” that glow similarly to the traditional fireplace hearths. However, that’s not a real flame but just an imitation created by the included light bulb.

Electric fireplace logs are inexpensive, whether you’re buying or maintaining them. They don’t have to make you spend a fortune installing or mending them.

Yet, they still offer the best warmth that you need in your home at any time. If you want to upgrade from hard work to simplicity, get an electric fireplace log and make your work effortless.

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