How Long Can Electric Fireplaces Run?

By Anthony, 14 Oct 2022

From years of experience using different fireplaces, we have found electric fireplaces to be second to none in terms of convenience. Honestly speaking, the feeling of getting home tired on a cold night and cozying up to the warmth from an electric fireplace while watching the flames on screen with crackling sounds in the background is just unmatched.

So good is the experience with electric fireplaces that you might end up asking yourself, ‘How long can I run an electric fireplace?  

Although there is no definite answer to this question, we will stick to the positives. If the unit’s manufacturer guidelines are followed, electric fireplaces can run for an indefinite period of time within reason.

What allows electric fireplaces to operate for long periods of time?

When connected to a power source, electric fireplaces are capable of running for an infinite period of time. That is made possible by two key factors; how they are designed and how they operate.

Here is an in depth description:

  1. Nature of operation.

As the name suggests, electric fireplaces are fully dependent on electricity to operate. It means as long as a unit is connected to a power source, it will run continuously as desired by the operator.

In addition, with electric fireplaces, the unit’s operator does not need to add any fuel or do maintenance services for the unit to continue functioning. This is contrary to traditional fireplaces, which would require fuel refills and further maintenance services such as the removal of ash for the fireplace to continue running.

  1. High level of safety

Naturally, electric fireplaces are considered safer than traditional fireplaces. This is tied to them operating without real flame and the front screen remaining cool during operation. Hence they are not associated with the risk involved with a real fire indoors.

Furthermore, electric fireplaces also have the option of turning the heating element off and just having the flames flickering on screen. This feature ensures that the risk associated with the heating element is completely eliminated.


Electric fireplaces also come equipped with safety features such as the existence of a thermostat. The thermostat is very essential as it ensures that the temperatures remain steady and that the unit switches off if the temperature exceeds the set level. This prevents the unit from overheating at any given point.

It should be noted that:

Although electric fireplaces are viewed as safe to operate based on the nature of their operation and incorporated safety features, they remain to be electric appliances. Therefore you should always monitor the electric fireplace during operation so as to identify any occurrence of malfunctions that could lead to major disasters.

Useful tips for operating an electric fireplace for long:

Using an electric fireplace for long comes with a fair share of risk, but that does not mean there is no right way of using a unit for long duration.

 Here are some tips to help you use your electric fireplace in a risk-free way:

  1. Go through the manual.

The first thing you should do is to go through your electric fireplace manual. In the manual, you will be able to determine what the manufacturer recommends on operating time. In addition, it will inform on whether you are required to have a limited operating time with the unit.

  1. Always monitor the fireplace.

We cannot stress enough on this. The rule of thumb with electric fireplaces is that you should never leave them unattended during operation. Regardless of whether you are just taking a nap or leaving the room shortly, always switch off the unit when you are unable to monitor it.

By always keeping an eye on the unit, you reduce the chance of fire ever breaking out from the fireplace and spiraling out of control.

  1. Avoid using extensions.

Electric fireplaces run on electricity, meaning that during installation, they should be plugged to a power source to operate.

The one place you should never plug your unit is to an extension or similar appliance such as a power strip or surge protector. This is because electric fireplaces draw in huge amounts of electricity when in use. And if you plan on using your unit for long periods of time you run the risk of a disaster occurring from the extension blowing up or catching fire.

On the flip side, what you should do is to hardwire the electric fireplace or plug it directly to a power socket.

  1. Do not cover the electric fireplace

Electric fireplaces basically work by drawing in air warming it then blowing it back out to the room. For the unit to function excellently, constant ventilation is a necessity.

When the electric fireplace air inlet or heater outlet is covered it hinders ventilation. This increases the risk of the unit overheating and becoming a fire hazard. Therefore always ensure nothing such as clothes, curtains or carpet covers the electric fireplace.

  1. Find the right spot to place the unit

Last but not least, before installing an electric fireplace, you should scan the room to find the right position to place your unit.

The right place to install your electric fireplace should tick the following boxes:

  • It should be a flat and firm surface and not on a carpet. A carpet or similar surface would be a fire hazard.
  • It should be at least one meter away from walls or curtains to ensure the electric fireplace has proper ventilation.


There is always an imminent risk attached to using electric appliances. This remains unchanged when operating an electric fireplace. But if you follow the electric fireplace manufacturer’s guidelines and never leave the unit unattended, you will be able to run the fireplace for as long as you wish and still be safe.

Additionally, even though electric fireplaces are able to operate continuously for long periods of time. They end up straining if used continuously without rest. Like a chain reaction, as they strain to operate, their rate of wearing out also increases.

Therefore, if you plan on using your unit for a couple of years, it is advisable to use it only when necessary and switch it off when it is not needed.

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