What To Know About Fireplace Screens?

By Anthony, 11 Jan 2024

A fireplace is like the heart of a house. And like a moth to a flame, most of us are naturally attracted to fireplaces. A fireplace's warmth, ambiance and visual appeal are just a few of its selling points to homeowners. 

After owning a few fireplaces, we can attest that they live up to their hype. Unfortunately, like anything else that deals with fire, a fireplace comes with the risk of a potential fire outbreak or injuries from getting burnt.

One might try their best to be on guard around the fireplace to prevent any catastrophe. But a single slip-up and disaster could strike. For instance, out of curiosity, children playing might sneak and get too close to the open flames on your fireplace and get burnt, or the wagging tail of your doggo may accidentally catch fire. 

We suggest you acquire a fireplace screen to prevent any damage to your fireplace. We have highlighted everything you need to know to help you understand why and how you can select the perfect screen for your fireplace. Including the following:

  • What is a fireplace screen?
  • What are the benefits of fireplace screens?
  • Components of a fireplace screen
  • Fireplace screen buying guide
  • Types of fireplace screen
  • Styles of fireplace screens
  • What is the ideal fireplace screen size?


What is a fireplace screen?

A fireplace screen is an object you place in front of a fireplace opening to act as a barrier between the fire and the room. Generally, fireplace screens come in all sorts of sizes and shapes to fit the varying designs of fireplaces worldwide. However, the structure of all screens, regardless of the design, is the same. The system of a fireplace screen features a frame and a protective mesh.

fireplace guard rail

The beauty of fireplace screens is that you only need to stand them on the opening of a fireplace without tying them or adding support. That makes the installation and removal of the fireplace reasonably straightforward.

What are the benefits of fireplace screens?


Open flames on a fireplace pose a risk of burns to children or pets who get too close to the fireplace. A fireplace screen acts as a barrier between the fire and the room. Nevertheless, even with a fireplace screen installed, you should never leave your fireplace unattended. 

Enhances safety

Another risk associated with wood-burning fireplaces is embers flying out of the firebox, landing on your carpet, and then causing a fire. A fireplace screen acts as a shield, preventing embers from flying out of the fireplace and allowing heat to flow into your space.

Improves the overall appearance 

Decorative fireplace screens feature elegant-looking accents. Such artsy fireplace screens not only protect you and your house but also add to your fireplace's beauty. And with various fireplace screen designs, you can customize it to match your needs.

Conceals a dirty fireplace

Traditional fireplaces require regular maintenance, but due to unforeseen circumstances, you might miss a maintenance session occasionally, which is understandable. At such a time, a fireplace screen will come in handy in hiding the leftover ash in your firebox and preventing potential embarrassment when guests are around.

Components of a fireplace screen

a black vintage fire guard rail

Typically, fireplace screens are made of metal panels connected by hinges and held in place by screws. The panels have mesh openings large enough to allow heat from the fireplace to flow into the room but are small enough to prevent embers from flying out into the space.

A fireplace screen could also have decorative accents or trims to add to its visual appeal and match your décor. Other screens feature a glass front in place of the mesh, which offers protection without hindering the view of dancing flames in your fireplace.

Fireplace screen buying guide

Now that you are familiar with what makes up a fireplace screen and its purpose, you can order one. To help you single out a fireplace screen suitable for your space, here are the factors you should consider:


It would help if you first established your primary purpose of getting a fireplace screen. If you intend to use the fireplace screen to beautify your fireplace, opt for a screen with decorative accents. On the other hand, if you want a fireplace screen to improve safety and keep children and pets from the fireplace, a screen is designed to focus on protection.


Fireplace screens are available at all sorts of prices, ranging from affordable ones to high-end expensive ones. The prices depend on the fireplace screen size, design and material. Therefore, you should establish a budget and then pick a fireplace screen that falls within your price range.


For a fireplace screen to be effective, it should fit the fireplace opening. Hence, you should measure your fireplace height and width and then compare it with the dimensions of fireplace screens to identify the suitable size for your home.

Design elements

Next, you must figure out the fireplace style that suits you best. That is because fireplace screens are available in various styles and finishes. To ensure your fireplace screen does not look out of place, consider your room's décor when choosing the design of your screen.


Fireplace screens are available in metal and glass, and each material has its pros and cons. You should pick a fireplace screen with a material that ticks all the boxes for you aesthetically. Functionally, you need not worry about the material since both glass and metal fireplace screens offer protection and enhance safety.

Types of fireplace screen

  • Flat – These are fireplace screens that fit flat to the firebox opening. Flat fireplace screens can either be arched or rectangular.
  • Convex – These are curved fireplace screens to create a distinctive look. 
  • Triple panels – also known as folding panels- are fireplace screens consisting of three conjoined panels.
  • Glass – these are fireplace screens made of glass, hence offering a clear view of the fire while still preventing burning embers from flying out and landing on your carpet or floor
  • Screens with working doors – These screens are designed with doors that allow you to access the firebox without removing the screen.

Styles of fireplace screens

The different design styles of fireplace screens include the following:

  • Stationery models – These are fireplace screens with a single solid piece in front of a fireplace opening. They could be flat or curved. In addition, they could be fitted with wheels to enhance mobility.
  • Hinged models – unlike stationary models, these screens consist of adjustable doors held together by hinges. The flexible doors allow you to control the flow of heat from the fireplace as well as the visibility of the fire.
  • Scenic models – these are screens designed to focus on their visual appeal. Made of stained glass or forged metal, they often display eye-catching artwork such as beautiful landscapes, leaves, animals or flowers.
  • Contemporary models – unlike scenic models, these fireplace screens come without decorative elements but still stand out with their sleek and modern look.

What is the ideal fireplace screen size?

Fireplace screens come in different heights and widths. The ideal fireplace screen size depends on the size of your fireplace. For a fireplace screen to be able to offer the perfect protection between your fireplace and your room, it should overlap the top of your fireplace by at least 1" and the sides by at least 2"


A fireplace screen is an indispensable addition to your space if you have a traditional fireplace. Whether you want to improve your fireplace area's safety or overall appearance, a fireplace screen delivers on both fronts. Nonetheless, a fireplace screen is only effective if it fits right and looks. Therefore, ensure you follow this guide, and you are sure to find the perfect fireplace screen to bring home with you.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can you clean a fireplace screen?

Yes. Fireplace screens are made of either metal or glass. You can use ordinary household cleaners to clean the metal parts and a fireplace or stove glass cleaner to ensure your glass fireplace screen looks spot on.

Can you paint a fireplace screen?

Yes. You can spray the metal parts of your fireplace screen with heat-resistant paint to make it the color of your choice.

Do you need a fireplace screen?

If you have a traditional fireplace, a fireplace screen becomes necessary to improve your fireplace's overall safety. However, inserting a fireplace screen is unnecessary if you have an electric fireplace. Nonetheless, you could place a fireplace screen in front of your fireplace insert to make it seem like a "real fireplace."

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