What should you know about wall-mounted electric fireplaces?

By Anthony, 20 May 2023

People developed the first fireplaces in medieval houses and castles. They used the fireplaces for cooking and as their prime heat source. A few centuries later, fireplaces have evolved tremendously in terms of functionality and types. Currently, there are numerous types of fireplaces available in the market. In this guide, however, our focus will be on wall-mounted electric fireplaces. We will touch on every aspect of wall-mounted electric fireplaces, including what they are, how they operate, their different types, parts, and more.

What is a wall-mounted electric fireplace?

Wall-mounted electric fireplaces are units that come with minimalist elements and modern flair. They are to be installed against walls or recessed into a wall. Nonetheless, they differ from built-in electric fireplaces, which sit within a wall.

They are similar to the other types of fireplaces in terms of functionality. What separates them from other electric fireplaces is that you can mount them onto a wall. Wall-mounted units should be installed off the ground and onto a wall using screws or brackets. That is beneficial since it saves on space.

Do wall-mounted electric fireplaces generate heat?

Often, individuals mainly acquire fireplaces for heating purposes. For that reason, knowing whether wall-mounted electric fireplaces generate heat becomes necessary. That is especially when one is looking for the ideal type of fireplace.

Generally, electric fireplaces generate heat. However, some models, which do not generate heat, exist and are used solely for their flame effects. Electric fireplace models that produce heat can do so in two ways. Which include:

Using a fan-forced heater

An electric fireplace with a fan-forced heater usually generates heat by drawing in cool air using a blower fan. It then passes the cool air over an internal heating coil to warm up the cool air. Once hot enough, the unit blows the air back out using its blower fan to warm the space.

Using an infrared heater

Alternatively, electric fireplaces can generate heat using an infrared heater. In this case, the unit heats a space using infrared rays similar to how sunrays heat surfaces.

Do wall-mounted electric fireplaces look real?

Most people install fireplaces intending to have them as the focal point in a room. That said, a fireplace should be realistic to be the focal point in any space. Therefore, since wall-mounted electric fireplaces operate without real fire, individuals often ask, do wall-mounted electric fireplaces look real? The answer to this question is Yes and No. That is because the realism of a wall-mounted electric fireplace depends on the technology used in the specific model.

Wall-mounted fireplaces that use holographic technology to project a video of a real fire onto the logs can produce 3D flame effects that are so authentic and can be confused with the flames on a real fireplace. In addition, they use the sound of an actual crackling fire to supplement the flame effects, which makes the unit seem more real.

 On the other hand, some wall-mounted electric fireplaces use the old technology of a rotating spindle that reflects led light onto a panel to create the flame. The flames created look far from realistic.

Do wall-mounted electric fireplaces make noise?

Wall-mounted electric fireplaces could be either noisy or silent during operation based on their type of heater. Units with a conventional space heater are noisy when running. Fortunately, you can turn off the heater in these units to make the wall-mounted electric fireplace operate silently. On the other hand, wall-mounted electric fireplaces with an infrared heater are usually silent in operation.

Types of wall-mounted electric fireplaces

All wall-mounted electric fireplaces fall under the same category. What makes them different is their size, shape, and general design. Based on that, the different types include:

Non-recessed fireplaces–These electric fireplaces are installed straight on a wall and do not need to be recessed.

Recessed fireplaces–These wall-mounted electric fireplace models sit partially within a wall to prevent them from protruding so much into the room. However, they differ from built-in electric fireplaces, which fit entirely in a wall.

Straight fireplaces–These are electric fireplaces designed with a straight front.

Curved fireplaces–These are electric fireplaces designed with a curved front for added aesthetics.

Linear fireplaces–These models are longer in width than in height, while vertical ones are longer than wide.

Indoor fireplaces–These are models designed to be used only inside the house.

Outdoor fireplaces–These models are for outdoor use only. They are water-resistant and weatherproofed to ensure they withstand outdoor elements and function efficiently.

Front view fireplaces–These are units you can view from the front only.

Multi-view fireplaces–These are models where you can view the flames from different sides.

Parts of a wall-mounted electric fireplace

Wall-mounted fireplaces have different parts, which are either internal parts or external components.

Internal parts of a wall-mounted electric fireplace

These are the components inside the unit. They include.

Flame effect components– Flames are usually the focal point of a unit. The flame effect components are the parts that create the illusion of a flame on the wall-mounted electric fireplace. The flame effect components are either a combination of a rotating rod with mirrors and LED light or a holographic projector and panel in newer electric fireplace models.

Heater–The heater is another internal part of a wall-mounted electric fireplace. The heater is either a fan-forced heater or an infrared one depending on the model you own. The heater generates heat to warm the room.

Media–The media in wall-mounted electric fireplaces is the part that supplements the flames to make the unit look more realistic. It can be in the form of coals, pebbles, crystals, or logs.

External parts of a wall-mounted electric fireplace

These components are visible when you look at a wall-mounted electric fireplace. They include.

The main frame–The main frame of a wall-mounted electric fireplace is the shell that houses all the internal components of a wall-mounted fireplace.

Power cable–often located at the side of the unit, this is the cable plugged into a wall outlet. Its purpose is to supply electricity to the wall-mounted electric fireplace.

Wall installation fixings–These are the features used to mount the unit to a wall. They could be in the form of holes at the top and bottom of the wall-mounted unit. They allow you to screw the wall-mounted unit to a wall. The wall installation fixings can also be mounting brackets.

Control system –Typically, remote control and buttons on the side of a wall-mounted electric fireplace. The control system is the means of changing settings in a wall-mounted electric fireplace.

How do wall-mounted electric fireplaces work?

Wall-mounted electric fireplaces, similar to any other electric fireplace, operate using two main components a heater and a flame-effect component. The heater in a wall-mounted electric fireplace is either a fan-forced one or an infrared heater. With a fan-forced heater, the unit draws in cool air, which then passes over a heating coil, and finally, the internal fan blows the hot air back out to warm up a space. While an infrared heater uses radiation to heat surfaces directly in front of the unit.

The flame effect components in a wall-mounted electric fireplace could be either mechanical or holographic driven. Mechanical flame effect components are made of a rotating rod with mirrors and led light. The mechanical flame effect components create flames by the mirror reflecting light from the LED onto the background. Holographic-driven flame effect components work by projecting a video of actual fire onto a panel to create the illusion of burning logs.

Are wall-mounted electric fireplaces safe?

Yes, wall-mounted electric fireplaces are safe since they operate without a real flame. However, you should go through the manufacturer's manual and adhere to all safety recommendations to reduce the risk of any catastrophe.

What to consider when shopping for wall-mounted electric fireplaces?

In the market today, there are numerous models of wall-mounted electric. To help you identify the most suitable one for your home, here are things you should consider:

Location and size–you should first identify an ideal wall, with a power outlet nearby, onto which you will mount the unit. Then, using the measurements of the wall, proceed to pick a unit size that will fit perfectly in the available space.

Flames–next, check the front flames of the wall-mounted electric fireplace. Settle on a wall-mounted unit with the right color and realistic front flames.

Heating capabilities–check on the heating capabilities of a wall-mounted electric fireplace before deciding to purchase it. We advise you to pick a unit with a heater capable of sufficiently heating the space you want to install the fireplace.

Extra features–check for other essential features like warranties, surround sound system, and additional safety features such as a thermostat or auto switch-off feature.


 Wall-mounted electric fireplaces are beneficial since they save on floor space by being installed against a wall. In this guide, we touched on every aspect of wall-mounted electric fireplaces. That includes, what they are, how they look, how they work, their different parts, things to consider when shopping for them, and more.

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