Reasons Why You Need to Add an Outdoor Electric Fireplace to your Backyard Space

By Anthony, 08 Dec 2022

For starters, let us go down memory lane. In 2020 when coronavirus hit the world, firms, organizations, and self-employed individuals all had to redesign work operations to curb the spread of the virus while still being functional. The redesign included taking measures such as temporarily working from home and wearing facemasks in public. Now approximately two years later, despite the pandemic ending and there being a lift on restrictions, most people still spend more time working from home. And, from the look of things, this is the “new normal” post-pandemic.

While working from home, people spend most of the day indoors looking at a computer screen. That leaves most of them exhausted and with brain fog. In this case, the easiest way to unwind is to spend quality time outdoors. Hence, if you have a backyard, upgrading it to a “retreat space”  becomes a no-brainer. We believe one of the most effective ways of doing that is adding an electric fireplace to your backyard. Here are seven reasons why you need an electric fireplace in your backyard in 2022.

Why you need an electric fireplace in your backyard if you want to unwind?

Among all home appliances, electric fireplaces rank up there with the best in terms of soothing effect. We say that with no fear of contradiction based on what electric fireplaces bring to the table. They offer warmth, beautiful background flames, and the crackling sound of fire for relaxing. What makes it even better is that you can control the flames to fit the season or mood you want. Moreover, the heat level is adjustable to ensure it is sufficient, not too much or too low.

Through their output, electric fireplaces elevate a backyard to be suitable for you to unwind, whether through meditation, yoga, reading a book, listening to a podcast, or simply watching the dancing flames. For that reason, an outdoor electric fireplace is a must-have for your backyard in 2022 if you intend to use the space for unwinding purposes.

Why you need an electric fireplace in your backyard if you have kids or pets?

Unlike other fireplaces, you can have an outdoor electric fireplace in your backyard and not fear for your kids or pets. That is because out of all the fireplaces you could install in your backyard, outdoor electric fireplaces are by a good deal the most family-friendly option. Based on their design, their front glass remains cool even during operation. This feature is essential if you have kids or pets around since it ensures the front glass will never get hot and burn wagging tails or stray little fingers.

Why do you need an electric fireplace in your backyard if you have your meals outside?

In fancy restaurants with top-of-the-range electric fireplaces the seat next to the fireplace is the most sought-after for special occasions. The lights, dancing flames, and crackling sound of fire just set a joyful and memorable mood. Keeping that in mind adding an electric fireplace to your outdoor dining space will tremendously improve the dining experience. You will have a “fancy restaurant experience” every time you eat in your backyard.

Why do you need an electric fireplace in your backyard if you have a pool?

If you have a pool in your backyard, adding an electric fireplace to the space would be an ingenious idea. It will serve as a focal point and a relaxing spot for anyone supervising kids swimming in the pool. Moreover, if you are in the swimming pool, you can use the electric fireplace to dry off and get warm instead of shivering and having chattering teeth while drying off in the wind.

Why you need an electric fireplace in your backyard if you want to improve the aesthetics

Installing an electric fireplace in a space elevates its aesthetic appeal immensely. Hence, adding a realistic-looking electric fireplace, which matches the existing theme, to your backyard will substantially improve the ambiance and aesthetics. You will have a real-looking fireplace without the tiresome regular maintenance work needed in a real fireplace.

Why you need an electric fireplace in your backyard if the property is up for sale

The National Association of Realtors states that adding a fireplace can raise the value of a home by up to 12,000 dollars. The specific value increment depends on the fireplace you install. Therefore, although not by 12,000 dollars, adding an electric fireplace to your property if it is on sale will increase the property value by a good percentage. In addition, it might not only increase the property value but also be the decisive factor in sealing a deal. Especially if a potential buyer is familiar with the benefits of electric fireplaces

Why you need an electric fireplace in your backyard if you want to use the backyard all year round

Backyards without a fireplace are only available for use for limited seasons in a year. Once the cold and rainy seasons come by, the backyards become uncomfortable to use. However, backyards with traditional fireplaces also become unsuitable when the rainy season begins. That is because you cannot light a fire outdoors in the rain. Alternatively, adding an electric fireplace to your backyard allows you to use the backyard all year round, even in the rainy seasons when your unit is weatherproof.

Bonus reason:

After going through the 7 main reasons why you need an outdoor electric fireplace in your backyard in 2022, here is an additional one.

 Why do you need an electric fireplace in your backyard if your backyard has limited space?

If you have a backyard with limited available space, then you most likely have a short list of changes and additions you can make to the backyard. Adding an electric fireplace to such a space will be ideal for improving the comfort levels in that space. That is because electric fireplaces do not take up much space, are easy to install and can operate efficiently, without overheating, even in limited space. That makes them suitable for your backyard with limited space.

Why do we recommend electric fireplaces specifically over other types of fireplaces?

Fireplaces, without a doubt, are a perfect addition to your backyard. But, as seen in this guide, our focus is an outdoor electric fireplace specifically, and with good reasons too. After years of experience dealing with all types of fireplaces, here are the main reasons why we recommend electric ones for your backyard instead of other types of fireplaces:

Electric fireplaces are easy to install and run.

For one to install and operate an electric fireplace, you only plug it into a 120-volt outlet on a dedicated circuit. However, with a gas fireplace, you will need to install a gas line, which involves a huge-load of work when compared to electric fireplaces. While wood-burning fireplaces, on the other hand, require a constant supply of firewood and cleaning services,

Electric fireplaces have zero emissions

Electric fireplaces are the most environment-friendly of all fireplaces. Unlike traditional fireplaces, they operate with no combustion and therefore do not produce greenhouse gas emissions. Notably, they do not emit carbon, thereby proving to be very clean source of heat. Global warming is a huge problem today. We recommend electric fireplaces since they play no part in global warming. 

Electric fireplaces have a flexible heating option

When traditional fireplaces are in use, there is only so much you can do to control their heat output. On warm days the heat generated from a conventional fireplace becomes unbearable. Fortunately, with electric fireplaces, you can independently control the heat settings. On warm days you can turn off the heat entirely and  enjoy watching the flames. And when the temperature cools down, you can turn on the heater again. In addition, most electric fireplaces come equipped with a thermostat, which regulates the temperatures. Hence, the temperature in the space will always remain at the ideal desired temperature.

Electric fireplaces come in a plethora of design options

Electric fireplaces come in plenty of design options, some in modern linear styles while others in traditional style. Nonetheless, their heat output is not affected by their different sizes. That is contrary to the case of conventional fireplaces, whereby the size of the fireplace relatively represents the amount of heat output. That ensures you find a design that tickles your fancy without worrying about the heat output.

Electric fireplaces are safe

With traditional fireplaces flames are live and open with no protective front glass. That is a recipe for disaster since sparks from the fireplace can fly out and cause a fire. However, even when a traditional fireplace has a protective front glass, it gets hot after some time. That is risky since it will burn anyone who touches it. With an electric fireplace, you do not have to worry about sparks flying since it operates without a real flame. Additionally, its front glass remains cool during operation. For added safety, some electric fireplaces have a thermostat and an auto switch-off feature to ensure the unit never overheats.


With the “new normal” post-pandemic becoming working from home, most people spend most of their days indoors. For you to unwind, the simple best solution is spending some time outdoors in your backyard space meditating, doing yoga, doing homework out, or just plain old sitting. Installing an electric fireplace into your backyard space will do you good. In this article, we have clearly explained all the reasons why.


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