What should you know about electric fireplace logs?

By Anthony, 26 Nov 2022

One of the many things that make electric fireplaces so enticing is that they come in an array of options. A potential buyer can choose to have an electric fireplace mantel, a wall-mount electric fireplace, or electric fireplace inserts.

Although unknown by a vast majority of those new to the world of electric fireplaces, electric fireplace logs also exist, and they are quite a thing. But before we proceed to what they are, let us first clear the air on one thing. There are two types of electric fireplace logs. The first type being, full- size electric fireplaces that come equipped with physical logs to increase realism.  And the second type is smaller portable log units that are set inside the opening of a traditional fireplace.

Our focus today will be on the latter. In this article we have touched on every aspect of electric fireplace logs from a user’s perspective, to ensure you understand what they are, how they operate, and more.

What are electric fireplace logs?

I had covered this question at a greater length in an earlier article, what are electric fireplace logs? Similar to what the name suggests, electric fireplace logs are electric fireplaces that are designed to represent the logs and embers on a real wood-burning fireplace. What makes them stand out is that unlike other types of electric fireplaces they do not have a large outer frame and are typically smaller in size. This plays as an advantage since they are more flexible in terms of placing them in an existing fireplace, regardless of the size of the fireplace opening. 

Do electric fireplaces produce heat?

Availability of heat is often the clincher or deal breaker when it comes to acquiring an electric fireplace. That said, some electric fireplace logs produce heat while others do not. The ones that produce heat do so using a small heater at the top of the logs. The heater is either an infrared one or a fan-forced heater. Unfortunately, based on their size electric fireplace logs are only suitable to heat up a small space. Electric fireplaces can produce up to 5000 BTUs (British Thermal Unit) of heat, which, as earlier mentioned, can only warm up a small space. 

Do I need fireplace logs?

If you already own a traditional fireplace and want to cut on the cost of running your fireplace or want a fireplace that burns cleaner, then an electric fireplace log would be ideal for you. However, since they are only suitable for heating small spaces using them concurrently with your regular home heating would make them more effective.

On the other hand, if you plan on heating up a larger space we would advise you to opt for a different type of fireplace.

Are electric fireplace logs different from an electric fireplace insert?

Electric fireplace logs and inserts are quite similar. The difference is that an electric fireplace insert comes with a frame around it. Additionally, in an insert the parts of the flame and heating mechanism can be built into the frame. While electric fireplace logs are just logs with the flame and heating mechanism all built-in.

What features do electric fireplace logs have?

Typically electric fireplace logs come with features such as logs that light up to look like hot glowing embers and flickering flame effects. And depending on the specific model an inbuilt heater is also common.

In other electric fireplace logs you can find:

  • Remote control – it provides the user with the convenience of operating the flame settings and lights from the comfort of their seat
  • Smoke effects – mostly found in high-end log models to increase the realism effect by giving the visual effect of smoke in a real fire.
  • Sound effects – it comes as an extra in most electric fireplace log models and is used to increase the realism effect by giving off the crackling sound of fire.

How do electric fireplace logs operate?

Similar to all other electric fireplaces, logs operate using a light source and a heater. For the flame effect, they have a light source underneath the unit to create the illusion of a hot glowing ember. This is accompanied by either flame on a display panel on the fireplace or a projection of flames in the background.

 To create heat electric fireplace logs use either a fan-forced heater with a blower to heat the space or alternatively an infrared heater to radiate heat to the space.

Are electric fireplace logs safe?

Yes! Electric fireplace logs have been designed to be safe. But like anything associated with electricity and heat you should be cautious with them. Electric fireplace logs have a high probability of overheating. This is especially when the unit is running too hard or becomes too hot and the unit lacks a thermostat or automatic shut-off feature. As a safety measure, you should always settle on an electric fireplace log with a heating capability that is suitable for the size of the space you want to heat.

Are electric fireplace logs realistic?

The realism of electric fireplace logs is entirely dependent on the fireplace model you go for. Low-cost models may not be well put together and look too plastic-like. In addition, their light may not produce the effect of a real flame or burning embers. But top-of-the-range models may look very realistic since they focus on flame and smoke effects. The only downside to this sort of model is that they focus so much on the most realistic flame effect and they might therefore come without a heater installed.

Can electric fireplace logs be put in a traditional fireplace?

The answer to this question is Yes and No, depending on the specific type of fireplace.

In case you own a wood-burning fireplace, with a power outlet nearby and the log can fit in the firebox, then typically logs can be put in the fireplace. We have done this especially outside of the winter months when the wood-burning fireplace is dormant.

But if you own a gas fireplace then the logs cannot be placed in the fireplace. This is because it is very unsafe to use a gas fireplace with any other appliance or object that did not come originally with it.

How to clean electric fireplace logs

Cleaning an electric fireplace log is quite simple, here are the steps:

  • First, disconnect the electric fireplace log from the power source. This is to prevent you from getting electrocuted when doing the actual cleaning.
  • Next using a dump cloth wipe dust, dirt, or stains from the surface of the unit. It is essential you ensure that the cloth is not too dumpy as it may leave moisture on the unit or cause water to leak into the internal parts of the log and cause some damage.


After going through this article, we hope you fully comprehend what electric fireplace logs are, how they operate, and the features they come with. And now that you are equipped with all that information, you can now begin the quest to find the perfect electric fireplace log for your space.

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