How should you install an electric fireplace in an RV?

By Anthony, 11 Jan 2024

When Ray Frank built his first ‘house car’, commonly known as a recreational vehicle (RV) these days, in 1958. We are almost certain he did not picture the immense technological and design improvement they would have decades later.

Over the years, RVs have evolved into works of art. They are ideal for family vacations since they save money on meals and hotel costs and also allow you to travel to any spot you want not just being limited to train or bus routes.

But on a cold day, the comfort of an RV is compromised so most people end up asking themselves…..

Can I put a fireplace in my RV?

a tiny fireplace in an RV

And the answer to the question is, Yes. To make it even better fireplaces come in all sorts of designs and sizes ensuring you will find the perfect fit for your rig. RV fireplaces range from gas to wood-burning and electric ones. But of all RV fireplaces, electric ones are the most common due to their ease of installation and versatility.

 Key things to remember when installing a fireplace in an RV is you must first find an unobstructed space to make sure the fireplace’s outlet is not blocked while operating or you run the risk of a fire outbreak. Secondly, you need to identify an ideal space to install your fireplace, to ensure your fireplace is efficient and does not clump up your space.

 In this piece, we shall elaborate on how RV fireplaces work, where you should install your fireplace, and how to install an RV electric fireplace.

How does an RV fireplace work

RV fireplaces are basically, space heaters that come with a fire display and generate heat to improve warmth and ambiance in your RV. The two common types of fireplaces are electric and gas ones.

Electric RV fireplaces operate by being plugged into a power source. They have an internal heating coil that heats up once the unit is plugged in, it blows air over the heated coil, and the warm air is blown out to warm the space using an internal fan. As for the fire, an electric RV fireplace uses an LED screen to display high-quality flames making it less hazardous.

A Propane RV fireplace operates using a propane flame t heat the space when you connect it to an RV propane tank. It is efficient when you need a quick source of heat but its downside is that it produces loads of condensation

It should be known that on an extremely cold day, an RV fireplace would not be enough to warm the whole camper. Nonetheless, it would be the ideal supplement for your furnace.

Where should you install your electric RV fireplace?

an electric fireplace in an RV close to the door

New model RVs come with pre-installed fireplaces however for RVs that lack one, adding a fireplace elevates the comfort of your camper exponentially. Generally speaking, you can install a fireplace anywhere in your RV, but ideally, you should install t in an empty wall space or take down dormant cabinets and use the space to mount your unit.

How to install an RV electric fireplace?

After mapping out the ideal spot to mount your RV fireplace here are the steps to install your unit:

Get the measurements

Since RV electric fireplaces come in all sorts of sizes, you should find one that fits perfectly in your space. Hence after identifying a suitable location, measure its height, length, and width to know the fireplace size you require.

Acquire a fireplace

Using the dimensions of your space, choose a fireplace of a matching size and design of your liking. If a smaller fireplace catches your eye you can still install it and cover the excess space with a trim finish.

Additionally, when shopping for an RV fireplace, be sure to pick one that emits heat from the front only. That is because the fireplace will be installed in an enclosed space and a unit that emits heat from the side would pose a threat of a fire outbreak from the heat being enclosed.

Create support for your RV fireplace

If your cabinet does not support your fireplace you will need to build a structure to support its weight, to prevent it from falling when mounted.

Plug the fireplace into a power source

New RV models come equipped with a dedicated fuse, while other fireplaces may require a standard 110v outlet nearby to plug the insert.

On the other hand, some inserts may still require you to route some wiring to the fuse box. If you are not familiar with the electrical work it is best to seek professional assistance.

If you have an understanding of electrical work, here is a guideline on how to proceed:

  • Begin by installing a dedicated outlet that matches your insert’s plug
  • Adhere to all the fireplace’s manufacturer guidelines
  • Only use a three-conductor cable with an 8-gauge(minimum)
  • place your cables where they are least likely to cause a trip
  • place the outlet near the installation to prevent pulling or straining the power cord

Mount the fireplace

Here comes the easy part, simply slide the unit into the location and secure it in place. The mounting method will depend on the type of fireplace you have, the product manual will suggest the specific method to use.

Add the finishing touch

The final step is to add trimming around the insert to cover screw holes. In addition, you can install a mantle and decorations around your fireplace to make it more realistic.


New RV models come equipped with a pre-installed electric fireplace. And if yours does not, you can add one yourself. Installing an RV electric fireplace can significantly enhance the comfort and ambiance of your camper, especially during cold days. The evolution of RVs over the years has brought about various technological advancements, and the inclusion of a fireplace has become a popular choice among RV owners.

Electric RV fireplaces, in particular, are a practical and popular option due to their ease of installation and versatility. When installing an RV fireplace, it is essential you find an unobstructed space that allows for proper ventilation. Ideal locations often include empty wall spaces or removing dormant cabinets to create adequate mounting space.

The installation process involves simple steps, which we have highlighted in this article

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is an RV electric fireplace safe?

Generally, an RV fireplace can be safe to use as long as it is installed and used correctly. However, like with any other appliance, there is a chance of malfunctioning. An electric fireplace is a safer heat source in comparison to a propane or electric space heater.

Can you leave an RV Fireplace on all night?

The general principle with fireplaces is that you should never leave them unattended when operating. The same applies to RV fireplaces. That is because as the insert heats up the cords and wires may overheat and cause a fire if left unattended for long periods.

How Many Watts Does an RV Fireplace Use?

RV fireplaces come in different sizes and models. That means they vary in wattage. On average, RV electric fireplaces run between 1,000 and 1,500 watts which generate enough heat to warm a camper as a supplementary source of heat.

Are RV Fireplaces Worth It?

RV fireplaces are worth based on the additional heat they provide and how much they improve the ambiance.

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