How should you remove wall-mounted electric fireplaces?

By Anthony, 20 May 2023

Wall-mounted electric fireplaces are electric fireplace units that are only able to be installed by being against a wall. Their installation is either directly using screws or using brackets. The installation process is usually straightforward, and many individuals often do it as a DIY project. That is because the installation process does not involve any structural changes to a house. Similarly, whether you want to move houses or fix/replace your wall-mounted electric fireplace, you can do the removal process as a DIY project. 

To remove a wall-mounted electric fireplace, you will need to reverse the installation process. Nonetheless, if you are not familiar with the installation process and therefore cannot invert the process to remove a wall-mounted unit, we have you covered in this guide. We have provided a breakdown of every step you should take to remove a wall-mounted electric fireplace.

Can you remove a wall-mounted electric fireplace alone?

Through the eyes of anyone lacking experience in removing a wall-mounted electric fireplace, the process may seem tiresome and hectic, but that is far from the truth. The truth, however, is that removing a wall-mounted electric fireplace is as simple as its installation, and you can do it on your own. 

The only point when you might need a hand when removing a wall-mounted electric fireplace is when you finally unscrew the unit from the wall. At this point, you might need someone to hold the wall-mounted electric fireplace while you unscrew it from the wall or remove it from the mounting bracket. That is because the unit is heavy and can fall if not held properly. 

Nevertheless, even at the point of unscrewing a wall-mounted electric fireplace, where you might need a hand, you can get creative and complete the whole removal process by yourself. Here is how you can get creative. 

If you own a height-adjustable table or similar appliance, place it below the mounted unit. Next, adjust the table height until its top surface slightly touches the base of the mounted unit. Finally, unscrew the mounted unit from the wall. The adjustable table will function as the helping hand preventing the mounted unit from falling.

How to remove a wall-mounted electric fireplace

Having replaced our wall-mounted electric fireplace with a new one recently, here is a step-by-step guide to remove a wall-mounted electric fireplace based on how we removed our old unit:

  • Go through your wall-mounted electric fireplace user’s manual
  • Identify how the mounted unit is attached to the wall
  • Remove any covers to access the unit’s mounting locations
  • Remove any loose parts or items on the unit
  • Get another person to hold the mounted unit and then unscrew the mounted unit from the wall

If you are still in the dark, after going through the brief step-by-step guide above, keep reading to gain more insight. We have explained every step above in detail next.

Go through your wall-mounted electric fireplace user’s manual 

The first thing you need to do is to find your unit’s manual and go through it keenly. That is because wall mounted electric fireplace user’s manual clearly outlines every piece of information you need to know about the unit. That includes how to assemble the wall-mounted electric fireplace and all the steps you should follow to install the unit. To remove a wall-mounted electric fireplace, you need to reverse the installation process since most user’s manuals do not cover the removal process (ours did not cover it)

If you cannot access the physical copy of your wall-mounted electric fireplace user’s manual, do not worry. Just check your unit to find its model and product code, and then check online for its user’s manual

  1. Identify how the mounted unit is attached to the wall

If your electric fireplace manual, like ours, does not outline the mounting locations, you should examine the unit to discover its mounting points. A wall-mounted electric fireplace can be installed directly to the wall by either using screws or through a mounting bracket. As for our wall-mounted electric fireplace, it was easy to identify the mounting locations since we installed it using a mounting bracket.

  1. Remove any covers to access the unit’s mounting locations.

Depending on your unit, you may need to remove covers to access the mounting locations. Since we installed our unit using a bracket, we did not have to lift any covers. However, if your unit is installed directly to the wall, it most likely has a glass cover, which you will need to remove to access the mounting screws. If so, unscrew the glass cover and lift it so you can easily access the mounting screws.

  1. Remove any loose parts or items on the mounted unit.

Other wall-mounted electric fireplace models have additional items added to the already installed unit to complete the installation process. The items can be crystals at the base of the mounted unit or any other decorative items. Therefore, if your wall-mounted unit has such additional items, ensure that you remove them before removing the mounted unit, or they will spill over.

  1. Get another person to hold the unit and then unscrew the mounted unit from the wall.

Now comes the final part. Since we always secure wall-mounted electric fireplaces to the wall with a screw, you need to unscrew the unit from the wall, and you will be good to go. As we had mentioned in this guide, ensure that someone is holding the mounted unit while you unscrew it from the wall to prevent the mounted unit from falling. Alternatively, use an adjustable table to hold the mounted unit as you unscrew it from the wall. 

To remove our unit, which we installed using a bracket, we unscrewed the screws at the back of the mounted unit that held the mounted unit to the mounting bracket, and we were complete. We then proceeded to unscrew the mounting bracket from the wall. We used the same screwdriver that we used to secure the unit and the mounting bracket in place during installation.


Wall-mounted electric fireplaces are among the easy appliances to install. Similarly, they are easy to remove. To remove a wall-mounted electric fireplace, you only need to reverse its installation process. 

In case you do not know the installation process for wall-mounted electric fireplaces and cannot go ahead and invert it to remove wall-mounted electric fireplaces. This guide clearly explains how to go about the removal process. We have made the removal process as simple as possible based on how we removed our old wall-mounted electric fireplace to replace it with a new one.

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