Are Electric Fireplaces Safe?

By Anthony, 22 Aug 2022

It goes without saying safety is always a major concern when dealing with all electric appliances, be it heaters or fireplaces. For that reason, the question ‘Are electric fireplaces safe?’ tends to come up often in any electric fireplace related conversation.

Undoubtedly, the answer to this question is ‘YES, YES and YES!’ but only if the unit’s installation, use and maintenance is done correctly.

Electric fireplaces are in fact a renowned safer option when compared to space heaters, wood-burning fireplaces and even gas fireplaces. The nature of their operation plays a huge role in how safe they are.

Let us fill you in on how electric fireplaces operate:

  • Once plugged in, the unit draws in air and heats it up with an internal heating coil.
  • When the air is warm enough, a fan forces it out to heat up a room.

Summarily, electric fireplaces are safe because:

  • They operate without a real flame
  • They have zero emissions
  • Their front screen remains cool when the fireplace is running
  • They do not use up any natural resources
  • Their convenience in use allows them to be switched off immediately

Regardless of their high level of safety, electric fireplaces, just like any other electric appliance also come with their fair share of risk. Hence, you should always be careful when operating an electric fireplace.

At this point, we will proceed to a deep insight into why electric fireplaces are safe.

  1. Electric fireplaces have no real flames

If you have only ever seen a high quality electric fireplace from a far, then you might disagree. But indeed, the heat from electric fireplaces is entirely powered by electricity. Electric fireplaces create heat using an internal heating coil. To increase realism electric fireplaces have additional crackling sounds and a flame illusion running on screen. The ‘fake flame’ comes up when light from a bulb/LED strip reflects off a spinning 3D light refractor.

Unlike traditional fireplaces that run the risk of sparks or:

  • Fire spiraling out of control from the fireplace and spreading to the rest of the house.
  • Pets and children coming into direct contact with the fire and getting burns.

The lack of a real flame in electric fireplaces makes them safe since the only hot parts in a unit are the ones intended to heat up.

  1. Electric fireplaces are pet and kids friendly

By operating without a flame, electric fireplaces ensure that even on getting into close contact with the fireplace your kids or pets cannot get burns or injuries.

In addition, there are no accessible hot parts in an electric fireplace and the front glass remains cool and safe to touch even when the fireplace is running. This is due to the electric fireplace having its heating coil housed internally.

However, you still need to be cautious with electric fireplaces since some parts of the fireplace such as air outlet vents become hot and remain unsafe to touch when the fireplace is running. Luckily, modern designs come with a safety warning.

  1. Electric fireplaces have zero emissions

A huge concern with traditional fireplaces is the byproduct of the combustion that takes place to create heat. Electric fireplaces on the other hand operate without a real flame. This guarantees they do not release dangerous components such as carbon monoxide, which could lead to poisoning, or creosote buildup which can cause vent fires and respiratory issues.

  1. Electric fireplaces are environment friendly

If you are an environmentalist, then you will love electric fireplaces even more.

Electric fireplaces are not only safe for our health but also for the environment. This is because electric fireplaces lack a real flame hence no combustion takes place when they are operating. Thus, electric fireplaces do not release harmful gases like carbon monoxide to the environment when operating.

In addition, they run using electricity and therefore preserve natural resources such as wood and fossil fuels.

  1. Electric fireplaces are convenient in use

Electric fireplaces are also popular for how convenient they are to use. They come with a remote control, which allows you to switch off a unit instantly with a single press of a button.

This feature is especially essential in an emergency where the electric fireplace malfunctions, and you need to switch off the unit immediately so that it cools down.

  1. Electric fireplaces have a ‘Screen-flame only’ feature

Furthermore, electric fireplaces have an amazing feature where by you can have the ‘fake flame’ running on screen with the heating element turned off. This feature makes sure you enjoy the ambience of having a fireplace, without the risks associated with heat.

  1. Electric fireplaces do not require constant supply of oxygen

At this stage, we are certain you know that electric fireplaces operate with no combustion. Hence, they do not require optimum supply of oxygen to function well.

 In terms of safety, this is an advantage because with traditional fireplaces sufficient oxygen is a necessity. When the oxygen is insufficient in traditional fireplaces, it leads to emission of more smoke and toxins such as carbon monoxide and creosote.

  1. Electric fireplaces do not endanger your décor

Generally, electric fireplaces release less, but sufficient heat in comparison to gas and wood burning fireplaces. With the lower amount of heat in electric fireplaces, you do not have to worry about damages to anything placed above the fireplace such as artwork or a TV.

What would make an electric fireplace unsafe?

Knowing that electric fireplaces, like any other electric appliance, come with their fair share of risk one might ask, what would make an electric fireplace unsafe?

Electric fireplaces are prone to malfunction due to a number of reasons, including:

  • Having a faulty unit

With electronics, there is always an inherent risk of getting a counterfeit or faulty product if one is not careful. This remains the case with electric fireplaces.

Counterfeit electric fireplace manufactures have flooded the market while some non-established manufacturers produce naturally faulty units. Keeping that in mind a counterfeit fireplace will naturally be faulty and therefore pose a threat to your safety.

The best way to reduce the chances of getting a faulty or counterfeit electric fireplace is by purchasing a unit from an established manufacturer and importantly from a recognized dealer.

  • Insufficient air circulation making the heating element overheat

When electric fireplaces are in use, they require sufficient airflow to cool down the unit and prevent it from overheating. This is because when the unit overheats it shuts off or becomes a fire hazard.

Therefore, to prevent electric fireplaces from overheating you need to make sure nothing, like curtains or a carpet covers the air vents hence restricting free airflow in the fireplace.

  • Having a cheaper electric fireplace with less safety features

Well, cheap is always expensive.

With cheap electric fireplaces, you will not get the high quality safety features such as off timer and overheat prevention found in fireplaces that are more expensive.

The trick when shopping for electric fireplaces is to make sure you choose a unit with a reasonable price and in addition, one that is of a recognized electric fireplace brand.

  • Leaving the fireplace unattended

Regardless of the fireplace model you own, you should always monitor how it operates periodically. Some electric fireplaces have a design that allows them to run throughout the day and night, but they remain to be an electric appliance.

Unfortunately, with electric fireplaces the more they are continuously in use their functionality reduces. With the reduction in functionality comes an increase in the risk associated with them.

To make sure you fireplace remains safe, you will need to switch off the fireplace at all times when it is not in use, before going to sleep or leaving the house. The only exception is if you own a modern electric fireplace that has an automatic switch off feature or timer.

  • Improper installation and maintenance

Another common cause of malfunctioning in electric fireplaces is errors during the installation face. The standard principle is that you should never plug the unit into an extension.

As for maintenance, a key thing to note is that you need to ensure the electric fireplace’s air vents are clear to prevent overheating.

Additional electric fireplace safety tips

  • Do not use an indoor electric fireplace outdoors
  • Do not place any liquids near the fireplace since liquids and electricity do no mix well.
  • Place the unit far from flammable items or materials
  • If you suspect the unit of malfunctioning seek professional assistance
  • Always go through the user’s manual before using the fireplace
  • Do not replace bulbs/ LED strips when the fireplace when it is still plugged to the power socket
  • Regularly check the outlet and cords for any signs of electric shortages


Now we have fully established that of all types of fireplaces, electric ones are the safest. With electric fireplaces, you will enjoy the warmth and aesthetics they offer without worrying about:

  • Embers flying out of the fireplace
  • Inhaling carbon monoxide
  • Cleaning up ash or vent,
  • Polluting the environment,
  • Fire spiraling out of control
  • Or your kids and pets getting burns from touching the fireplace.

Nevertheless, even with the high level of safety electric fireplaces have, there is always a chance of the unit malfunctioning. Therefore, make sure you maintain the fireplace and use it in the right manner, and you will be good to go.

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