How high should you mount an electric fireplace off the floor?

By Anthony, 01 Mar 2024

Among the many reasons we love electric fireplaces is that they are very easy to install and use. All you need to do for installation is to unbox, mount the electric fireplace near a power outlet and finally plug it in. However, there is a common mistake made during installation. The mistake is installing an electric fireplace at the wrong height off the floor.

Although not known to many, height is a key component during the installation of an electric fireplace. The distance you place an electric fireplace off the floor hugely affects how the unit will operate and score aesthetically. The distance off the floor will determine the floor area and distance heat from the unit will cover, and how the flames will look.

How high should I mount an electric fireplace off the floor?

Regardless of the installation method, you opt for, the distance from the floor is a key point, both functionally and aesthetically. Functionally, electric fireplaces are safer and more efficient in use when mounted at the right distance off the floor. Aesthetically electric fireplaces look best when one looks down or directly into an electric fireplace but not upward. Nonetheless, different scenarios have different height recommendations. The heights recommended in our guide are for the bottom part of the electric fireplace.

  1. How high should I mount a traditional fireplace?

Traditional electric fireplaces often have a square shape and resemble traditional wood-burning fireplaces. They are commonly placed on the floor, but you do not necessarily have to place them that low. In the living room, you can raise these fireplaces 6 to 12 inches off the floor. While in the bedroom, we advise you raise them even higher so that the flames are still visible even when you are on the bed. The ideal height would be 24 to 36 inches off the floor. Generally, you can adjust the height off the floor to one that suits you as long as you keep in mind the best view of the flames is when you are looking down or directly into them.

  1. How high should I mount a linear electric fireplace?

Linear electric fireplaces are units that are longer than they are tall and have a very lean profile. For this type of fireplace, the ideal height is 12 to 30 inches off the floor. The specific height is dependent on whether you will be seated while viewing the fireplace. If you will be seated then you will need it to be low, so you can look down at the flames still. However, it should not be too low that the flames get lost between your furniture. If you intend to install a linear fireplace in the dining room then the ideal height off the floor is 36 inches, this will ensure the chair backs do not cover the flames.

  1. How high should I mount an electric fireplace below a T.V?

Contrary to gas fireplaces, with electric fireplaces, there are no heat concerns or required minimum clearances above the fireplace if you intend to install a T.V. above the fireplace. The trick is to find the ideal height off the floor for the bottom of the TV and work from there. Ideally, the TV should be no more than 42 inches off the floor and all the space left below is available for the electric fireplace.

When installing a linear electric fireplace below a T.V., placing it centrally on the available space would work perfectly. While with a traditional fireplace, since it takes up more of the available height, you should install it closer to the floor. This is especially if you intend to install a mantel between the TV and fireplace.

  1. How high should I mount a fireplace if the ceilings are low?

For rooms with a low ceiling, like basements and attics, there is only one rule with the right height off the floor. You should ensure you do not cut the room wall in half with the electric fireplace. Instead, install the electric fireplace below the halfway point of the wall height, preferably on the bottom third of the wall height

Perks and disadvantages of having a raised electric fireplace

Raising the height of an electric fireplace has benefits and disadvantages. Luckily, the benefits out way the downsides. Here is an outline of both:

Perks of a raised fireplace

  • Safety

The main benefit of having a raised electric fireplace is that it improves safety. It does so by ensuring nothing is around the outlet of the unit. This increases safety since it reduces the risk of lighting combustible materials around the fireplace, like rugs, carpets, pillows, and blankets.

  • Improves functionality

Another major benefit of raising an electric fireplace is that it improves the functionality of the unit by a significant margin. Most electric fireplaces release heat from the bottom, raising its height off the floor to the ideal height allows the heat to cover more floor space. Additionally, it improves air circulation around the unit meaning dust will not accumulate on the unit’s vents and reduce its functionality.

  • Improves aesthetics

Electric fireplaces greatly improve the ambiance of a space, but only if they are properly installed. If you want an electric fireplace to be a focal point in a room, then raising it will do the job. A raised electric fireplace will be the first thing noticed when one walks into the space.

  • Creates more space

If you live in a house with limited space, raising an electric fireplace will create more space for you. This is because the space between the floor and the raised unit is conserved, which means you will have the entire floor space available for use.

  • Lowers electricity bill.

As briefly mentioned, raising an electric fireplace increases its efficiency. This is due to the heat generated from the unit being distributed to greater floor space. This reduces the number of hours you will need the electric fireplace to operate. And in the long run, the fewer hours an electric fireplace operates the lower the electricity bill.

The disadvantage of having a raised electric fireplace

  • Forces design changes

The only downside of raising an electric fireplace comes if you have an existing electric fireplace in your space. This is because you will have to make changes to your existing room design and setup to ensure the raised electric fireplace remains the focal point. But, looking at the bigger picture that should not stop you from making the right decision of raising your electric fireplace.

After identifying the ideal height for installing an electric fireplace, you need to get familiar with the installation options of electric fireplaces. As this is the next step after identifying a suitable height to install the unit.

So where can you place an electric fireplace?

With electric fireplaces, you have two main installation options. The first is installing an electric fireplace against a wall and the second is an in-wall installation. A key thing to note is that there is a significant difference between placing an electric fireplace against a wall and an in-wall installation. With an in-wall installation, part of the wall needs to be dug out to accommodate the back components of an electric fireplace. On the other hand, having an electric fireplace against a wall will not require the electric fireplace to be recessed on the wall.

The popular, simple, and efficient way of installing an electric fireplace is having it against a wall. By installing an electric fireplace against a wall, we do not mean leaning on a wall without being secured to the wall in any way. Since having it this way is a major safety concern. This is because the front section of an electric fireplace is heavier than the back meaning the unit will come crushing forward in no time.

 For an electric fireplace wall installation to be safe you need to secure the unit to the wall or support it on the sides to ensure it does not fall down. Luckily, securing a unit is simple, and you can do it through a DIY project. Most electric fireplaces come with additional hardware for mounting the unit to a wall such as pins, screws, metal mounting brackets, and a mounting place. The ideal location for mounting an electric fireplace ideally should be away from damp conditions and close contact with moisture.

Here is a brief guide on how to mount an electric fireplace against a wall:

  • Identify a safe location near a power outlet
  • Attach mounting brackets to the wall
  • Attach brackets to the bottom part of the electric fireplace
  • Using the slots/hooks hang the electric fireplace on the bracket
  • Finally, plug in the unit and enjoy using it

Alternatively, if you prefer an in-wall installation for your electric fireplace you should seek assistance from a licensed professional. This is because structural changes to your wall will be required, and they are not permitted in every area. In addition, you should get a permit from the property owner if you live in a rental.


Once you identify the right room, its location in the room, and the height off of the floor, mounting an electric fireplace is simple. To answer the question “how high should I mount my electric fireplace?” The guide in this article gives you an idea of the right height off the floor to mount your electric fireplace. Additionally, you also get informed on the benefits of having a raised electric fireplace, which includes increased safety, functionality, aesthetics, and lower electricity bills.

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